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Assignments & Due Dates


Discovery Research Log

Through this semester, you will continually research a topic that you are interested pertaining to our Triad theme: “stories of freedom”. To help you remain on-track, and to help me make sure that you are not falling behind, you will keep an up to date research log. DO NOT panic over this or build it up into something complex or difficult. This is simply a log to help you keep track of the information you find as you continually research and discover this semester. 


Audience and Genre Intersections Project

Your major writings will consist of three projects. The first of the three is the First Year Symposium that you are working on in all three courses. The other two will be an “About Me Genre Project” and a “Project Proposal”. Like the log, do not overthink this assignment. We will analyze this more as the semester continues. 


Engagement and Learning

This will consist of many things. We will have in-class reflections, in-class warm-ups, and group work. Outside of the classroom there will be readings, reading responses, reflections, and “My Story” writings. Last, but not least, this section also consists of attendance, class participation, drafting, and peer review.


Mid-Term and Final Portfolios

We will be organizing work into project portfolios. You are responsible for collecting all of your work this semester on OneDrive (we will discuss organization in class). The evidence you collect will then be used in the Reflective Overview you will write. In the Reflective Overview you will reflect on the first half, and full, semester, considering how you have met the threshold concepts and learning outcomes at both timeframes. Your portfolios will be submitted on OneDrive. Portfolio grades will depend on the quality and breadth of the evidence, reflection, and final project. Evidence must represent the full scope of work on the assignment; in other words, readers of the overview will recognize that you have been engaged with all parts of the assignment over time, as part of the process. In addition, the Reflective Overview must be the result of multiple drafts, representing thoughtful revision and careful editing and proofreading. 

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